Your Abstract
Deadline for paper and poster abstracts: 31 July 2016
Please remember to also register as a delegate at Symposium Registration.
Abstracts should be written in English and not exceed 250 words. Abstracts must be submitted electronically by attaching a MS Word document. (Please note: only MS Word documents can be accepted). The abstract format must be according to the guidelines below:
Format – Write the abstract in Microsoft Word in a Windows format, using the Normal page margin settings (2.54 cm) and Arial, 10 point font. All spacing within the title/author area, abstract body and conference topic should be single-spaced and separated from each other by one space.
Title – (centred, bold) The title must be in sentence case.
Author(s) – (centred, bold) List the full first name followed by initials and last names of each author. Underline the presenting author.
Affiliation information of each author – (centred, italics) Use numeric superscript to identify multiple authors with different affiliations (follow format below). Do not use superscripts for single authors or multiples from the same affiliation.
Presenter’s contact information – (centred) name, address, phone number, email.
Body of Abstract – (justified) Abstracts must not exceed 250 words. Abstracts longer than 250 words will not be accepted. Emphasize the results of a study or the practical application of a management project or programme. If there is more than one paragraph, single space between paragraphs and do not indent.
Proposed Sub Themes Thematic Symposia Identify the proposed theme(s) under which you think this presentation best fits.
Please note: The scientific committee will review the abstract for final approval. The committee will not review any data presented in the abstracts.
If your abstract is accepted, you will be provided further information on operating system requirements for your presentation. Microsoft PowerPoint is strongly preferred for oral presentations.
Please contact Amélia Wassenaar for further enquiries.
Please remember to also register as a delegate at Symposium Registration.